You will need to follow the 12 steps below in order to achieve the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Det) Qualification.
You do not necessarily need to complete all the steps in order. It is important to negotiate your holistic assessment plan with your assessor as soon as possible.
Please do not devise your own assessments. We only accept work which differs from our standardised work only if it is submitted at the beginning of the course as part of claiming prior learning. Please complete an assignment planner prior to tackling any of the assignments.
Prior Learning and Work Products
You need to start by recording your teaching hours on the Form 5. A minimum of 100 teaching hours will need to be recorded by the end of the course. You will be expected to submit some lesson or session plans and a scheme of works.You will also need to write a reflective account discussing how your session plans met curriculum requirements, individual goals, needs and learning preferences of all learners? You also need to discuss how you provided opportunities for learners to provide feedback that informed your practice and how your planning took account of theories ,principles and models of learning, communication and assessment? Please complete the work products form to record all work products and justify how they relate to the assessment criteria. You will need to evaluate at least two session (lesson) plans you have created using Form DT4. Form DT5 will also need to be completed after two sessions to self evaluate your performance. The two sessions will need to be spaced by at least four weeks. |
Assignment 1
In about 1500 words define the concepts of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training. Review key features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment and the impact of personal, social, cultural factors, different cognitive, physical, and sensory abilities on learning. Analyse your role and responsibilities as a teacher. As part of your response discuss about your inclusive practice and analyse the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role, other professional roles and review strategies for effective liaison. How do social, political and economic factors influence education policy? As part of your response analyse the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in area of specialism. Explain the role and impact of external bodies and stakeholders on educational providers and practitioners? You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 2
In about 1500 words analyse the application of pedagogical principles in own area of specialism. As part of your response explain ways in which professional values influence own practice in your area of work? Explain ways in which theories and models of curriculum development can be applied in developing curricula in own area of specialism and analyse the impart of organisational requirements. Evaluate the effectiveness of creative and use of innovative approaches in own area of specialism and . As part of your response analyse benefits, limitations of communication methods and media used in own area of specialism, effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches and resources in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners. You need to end the assignment by explaining the purposes and types of assessment used in education and training. You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 3
In about 1000 words explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation? Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities and inclusive practice. As part of your response explain how policy and regulatory frameworks influence inclusive practice organisational policies and your own practice? Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources. Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources. You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 4
In about 1000 words explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners? In your response describe points of referral and analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals. Explain how identifying and taking account of learners individual learning preferences enables inclusive teaching, learning and assessment. Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners and why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others. You need to provide examples from your practice explaining, how you establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment, adapting teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies and communicating with learners, learning professionals and others to meet individual learning needs. You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 5
In about 1500 words giving examples from your own recent practice analyse ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning. Give examples from your recent practice when you have used questioning and feedback. Analyse the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organisation. Explain the function of self-assessment and self- evaluation in the quality cycle? You then need to evaluate one of your courses and explain how you took account of internal quality arrangements, outcomes from the evaluation and identified areas for improvement. You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 6
In about 1200 words analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation. Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied to reviewing own practice. Give examples of how you use theories and models of reflection to evaluate the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning? Analyse ways to improve own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning. Evaluate the effectiveness of own practice in relation to inclusive practice, development and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area. Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to inclusive practice, development and use of resources and inclusive practice in own specialist area. Discuss about any plans you have regarding improving your own skills of inclusive practice and development and use of resources and inclusive practice? You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 7
In about 1000 words analyse theories of behaviour management, ‘principles and models of learning’, ‘models of learning preferences’, ‘principles and models of communication’, ‘principles and models of assessment’ and ‘models of curriculum development’. You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 8 In about 1500 words explain the purpose of resources when it comes to learning and teaching. Consider three resources you use and evaluate their effectiveness when it comes to meeting individual learning needs. Giving examples analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach.Analyse principles of resource design and how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area.Considering the resources you have recently designed, which theories and principles of resources design did you have to adhere to? Discuss about your resources and evaluate how this involved new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area? Giving examples evaluate the effectiveness of your design and use of resources especially when it comes to meeting needs.Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored. Review ways these resources be shared with other learning professionals.You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
Assignment 9 In about 3000 words identify the skills, knowledge and understanding that can be assessed in literacy as part of your response identify literacy and language skills needed across contexts and subjects. You will need to use the Assignment Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre or Comms. |
SWOT, Video Presentation, Guided learning hours and Summative Statement
Outline your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) when it comes to planning, delivering and assessing, creating and using resources. Please submit your SWOT to your assessor who will treat it like an assignment planner and provide feedback. Using your SWOT above make a video presentation lasting 10 to 20 minutes. Your presentation should evaluate own strengths as a learning professional and areas for improvement when it comes to planning, delivering and assessing, creating and using resources. As part of your presentation analyse the effectiveness of each of these areas (planning, delivering, assessing, creating and using resources). Discuss about any activities you have engaged in as part of continuing personal and professional development and end your presentation by identifying further continuing personal and professional development needs and how you plan to address these. Do not worry about the quality of the video as long as we can see and hear you. You can alternatively attend one of our face to face workshops in order to be filmed. Guided learning hours and Summative Statement You will need to complete the Guided learning Log and attach all relevant evidence that support your claim. Your work will not be signed off during quality assurance if your course participation is inadequate. Your portfolio will instead be forwarded to the external quality assurer for their opinion. This could result in a long time waiting for the opinion of the external quality assurer as they only normally visit us once a year. It is your responsibility to ensure you utilise all activities and opportunities available to you as already outlined above. Guided learning hours are only met when you interact with staff from Etutor Alliance regarding your course. Any other interaction with your colleagues and reading you do in private is usually classified as self study time unless your activities have been approved as part of your holistic assessment plan. You also need to ensure you have completed your part of the Assessor and Learner Summative Statement. Here you are expected to document your learner journey and highlight the course work you have completed. You also need to highlight the course activities you have participated in and outline anything you have learned. You need to end by making a statement why you believe you are competent and deserve the qualification. |
Portfolio of Evidence
Please ensure you refer to our documentation regarding building your portfolio of evidence. Your work might be rejected at quality assurer if it fails short of the standards expected. Your portfolio of evidence should be in a 4 ring binder not loose papers or electronic files. Make sure you have laid out your portfolio of evidence using the portfolio index provided. All versions of your work and feedback forms from your assessor will need to be filed in your portfolio. Sign and Date all your files. You are responsible for completing the Evidence Record Forms using your feedback reports. Please seek guidance from your assessor if you require support with this. Ensure you respect confidentiality when preparing your work. We do not want to see your company and candidates personal details in the portfolios. Original copies of your assessments should be left with your candidates. Only copies should be submitted with your portfolio. Please hand in your portfolio of evidence in person or alternatively post your work by recorded delivery to our Stoke On Trent Office. Please hand in your portfolio of evidence to your assessor or post by recorded delivery to our Stoke On Trent Office. You should not address your portfolio to any member of staff. Not all assessors are office board. Etutor Alliance No claim of certificate will be made for candidates owing any course fees. The management also reserves the right to request for your work not to be assessed or moderated if you have not maintain your installment payment plan or there are other outstanding fees. |