You will need to follow the 5 steps below in order to achieve the Level 3 Award in Education and Training Qualification. You do not necessarily need to complete all the steps in order. Your course is assessed by a portfolio of evidence which will need to be presented for both internal and external quality assurance.
We encourage you to be fully activate throughout the course in particular when it comes to your assessment planning, reviews and learning.
We only accept work which differs from our standardised work only if it is submitted at the beginning of the course as part of claiming prior learning. You should not devise your own assessments outside the scope of your holistic plan.
Coursework Template You will need to use the Coursework Template, ensuring you input the question number in the header and your name in the footer. You also need to ensure that you cut and paste the assignment question at the beginning of your work. This will need to be in bold. Your completed assignment will need to be submitted to your allocated assessor through Communication and Assessment Centre. Please do not change the document extension from (.doc). Use the Arial font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing. Ensure your full name is in the footer of the document. The question you are responding to has to be cut from here and pasted at the beginning of your work. Ensure the question is in bold. |
Demonstrate Learning This applies throughout your course from start to finish. Online Forums and Web Conferences Guided Learning Hours It is your responsibility to ensure you utilise all activities and opportunities available to you as part of demonstrating learning. You are expected to demonstrate how you have met at least 60 Guided learning Hours by the end of the course. The Guided learning hours can be met by attending workshops, tutorials, observations and any other interaction with course staff. Guided learning hours are only met when you interact with a member of staff. Any other interaction with your colleagues and reading you do in private is usually classified as self-study time unless your activities have been approved as part of your holistic assessment plan. Please remember the course is not just about completing coursework. The course is made up of Learning Outcomes. You will, therefore, need to demonstrate that learning has taken place over sufficient time. You will need to focus on both participating in course activities and completing coursework. Assessors might not assess your work if you do not participate in course activities. Our quality assurer will not sign off your work if you have not satisfactory demonstrated learning. We will not risk our Centre Registration and compromise our current and past candidates. Remember the assessment criteria is made up of learning outcomes! Evidence of sufficient learning will need to be provided throughout your course. Please refer to further information regarding the importance of evidencing learning located here. The page also contains an example of a completed guided learning form and its supporting evidence. Total Qualification Time |
Unit Questions and Reflective Journals
Please pay attention to the level 3 descriptors when completing your work and ensure you make references and make links to factors that influence your practice such as legislation, codes of practice and theories. You are encouraged to use the coursework guide in order to have an idea of the requirements of the course. You will need to submit each completed full question to your allocated assessor using the Assessment and Communication Centre. Please do not submit all 7 questions at the same time as you will risk having your feedback delayed. You also risk having substantial work referred (not passed) if the criteria has not been met which might naturally lead to disappointment and being demotivated. You are better off utilising the support and guidance available formatively (as you progress). You will also need to complete reflective journals on the following two topics: Topic 1: Roles and responsibilities of a teacher Topic 2: Principles of assessment A reflective journal on the roles and responsibilities of a teacher is required after question 1. The last journal will be required regarding the principles of assessment after question 3. You will need to use the Reflective Journal template provided . Please do not change the Reflective Journal Template document extension from ‘.doc’! Candidates completing either Unit 3 or Unit 4 instead of micro-teach If you have enrolled to complete either unit 3 or 4 instead of the micro-teach you do not need to complete question 3. Question 1
a] Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training? b] Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs? c] Explain ways you would promote appropriate behaviour and respect in a class setting? As part of your response summarise ways to establish ground rules and explain what you would do to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment? d] Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners?
Question 2
a] Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities? In your response, please explain ways to promote equality and value diversity? b] Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals? c] Explain the importance of having boundaries with your learners and other professionals?
Question 3
a] Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning and explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment? b] Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learner needs? c] Explain the importance of embedding English, mathematics, ICT and wider skills in your teaching sessions? d] Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs? e] Explain ways to engage and motivate your learners?
Write your thoughts below on how you will respond in each of the five scenarios below? You will need to show an awareness of regulations, principles of assessment and quality assurance procedures. 1] You have been allocated a learner who appears to meet all the entry requirements of the course. There is a CV and a number of certificates in place which support the learner’s competence. You notice the learner completed an online initial assessment independently. On your first meeting with the learner, you discover the learner is struggling. Explore possible explanations that have resulted in this situation and the questions you should be asking to ensure your candidate is not disadvantaged? (1.2) 2] A learner enrols and tells you a sad story of having been treated unfairly by another educational establishment. The learner gives you a completed portfolio, which has not been assessed? What are your responsibilities as an assessor? (5.1) 3] A colleague has misplaced a memory stick with assessment and personal details of learners that have resulted in everybody panicking? Explain the importance of following procedures for the management of information relating to assessment? (7.1) 4] Dave is a newly qualified assessor. He is aware that he may be expected to support over 50 learners a month as he was advised at his interview. He will also be expected to assess on a newly developed course. Can you identify risks that may be involved during the assessment process? How can these risks be reduced through the planning process? (3.4 and 3.5) 5] Kelly who is one of your learners is not happy with your assessments. She is upset that she has had a referral? How would you aid Kelly’s understanding of the assessment process? Outline the internal complaints procedure she would have to follow? (6.3)
Question 4
a] What is the role of assessment in learning and development? (1.1) b] What are the roles and responsibilities of the assessor? (1.3) c] Explain the contribution that technology can make to the assessment process? (8.2)
Question 5
a] Identify and compare any five assessment methods and outline their strengths and limitations with reference to how they meet the individual needs of learners? (2.1) b] Which factors do you consider when planning assessment? (3.1) c] How do feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process? (7.2) d] Outline the types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process? As part of your response explain the benefits of involving the learner and others in the assessment process? (4.1 and 4.2)
Question 6
a] What is your understanding of holistic assessment? Evaluate the benefits of this type of assessment and outline how you would plan a holistic approach to assessment? (3.2 and 3.3) b] Explain how you might ensure assessment decisions are made? (5.2) c] Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning? (4.3) d] Identify and evaluate the importance of quality assurance in the assessment process? Summarise quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practice? (6.1 and 6.2)
Question 7
a] Outline and explain how legislation, policies, and procedures affect the assessor role and the assessment process? Your discussion should address confidentiality, health and safety and welfare of your learners. and evaluate the requirements of equality and diversity. Please also comment about bilingualism? (1.4 and 8.1) b] Evaluate the requirements for bilingualism, equality, and diversity when it comes to assessments in The United Kingdom? (8.3) c] Give examples explaining how assessments can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners? (4.4) d] Why is CPD and the ability to reflect important for the assessment process? (8.4)
If you are completing a Micro-teach Session as part of the course.
Session Plan, Resources Request Form, Form M, Form N and Form S (If applicable) Create a session plan lasting a minimum of 15 minutes. The session plan should show clear aims and objectives, teaching approaches, learner activities, assessment and resources used. You will need to submit your session plan to your assessor using this site at least 48 hours before your session. You will also need to complete Form M and the Resources Request Form which you need to send at the same time as your session plan. You will also be expected to bring a printed copy of your session plan, which should be given to the Micro-teach Assessor on the day of the session. You will need to participate in micro-teach activities for a minimum of one hour and present your session, a minimum of fifteen minutes. After you have completed your micro-teach you will need to complete Form N. You will need to also complete Form S as peer feedback for each micro-teach you witness. The form will need to be given to the person whom you would have written about. Form N will need to be completed after your session for immediate feedback. Please note that all micro-teach assessments are expected to be completed on the same day. Alternative to the Micro-teach Candidates subject to agreement with their allocated assessor can complete either Unit 3 or Unit 4 instead of the micro-teach. These alternative learning and development units will require additional evidence from the work place such as observations, expert witness testimonies and Work products for the criteria to be fully met. Candidates completing Unit 3 will need to complete Proforma 3 while candidates completing Unit 4 will need to complete Proforma 4. |
Course Completion Declaration
You also need to complete the Course Completion Declaration. Here you are expected to outline your learning journey and highlight the course work you have completed as part of your candidate statement. You also need to identify the course activities you have participated in and highlight anything you have learned. You need to end by making a statement why you believe you are competent and deserve the qualification. You will also be required to declare that you have acknowledged all courses and have not plagiarised. Identity Check |
Portfolio of Evidence – Final Quality Assurance Once you have completed all the steps highlighted above, you need to compile and submit your portfolio of evidence for final quality assurance. This is the time all your evidence and assessment decisions are checked as part of confirming you have indeed met all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria. You will need to utilise the guidance published under the next topic to avoid any actions and delays. Your assessor can assist you to build your portfolio of evidence upon request. You will be expected to take the lead and submit all your evidence at least 24 hours before the monthly scheduled quality assurance activity. Dates are published under events. Any portfolios that arrive late will be filed and considered at the next monthly quality assurance activity. Please only submit your portfolio of evidence when you have completed all your coursework and compiled all the evidence highlighted on your portfolio index. It can take up to 14 days before the outcome of quality assurance can be released. Certificates will be claimed for all candidates who have successfully met all course requirements. Where there are actions this information will be passed to you as soon as possible. Please note, our admin team do not discuss assessments or quality assurance matters over the phone. We also do not claim certificates when candidates owe fees. |