Roles and Responsibilities

Your Progress


There are some roles and responsibilities expected from teachers. As a teacher in the lifelong sector, you will be expected to abide by the Society for education and training code of practice or any other relevant regulations in place.There is a lot of emphasis regarding the roles and responsibilities of a teacher which is covered throughout lifelong teacher training courses. As a teacher, you are by no means free to do what you like. You are bound in your work by all sorts of rules, regulations, practises and procedures.

Secondly, you are bound not only by them but also expected to be professional to your learners, colleagues, management and any other stakeholders such as members of the public.Thirdly, these rules, procedures and expectations, in a way, define you as a good teacher and are the basis of your teaching and professional behaviour. In other words, you should not follow regulations and procedures because you are required to, but because they are in tune with your professionalism and own advocacy of good practice.

As a teacher, you will be expected to inspire your learners and ensure you meet needs. You will be expected to observe and respect any internal and external procedures in place. For example, keeping the attendance register and carrying out assessments. You might also be expected to represent your organisation at special functions and actively participate in research and evaluation of services.

As a teacher, you will be expected to plan your teaching sessions and use appropriate resources. You will need to be inclusive and create a conducive learning environment. Other responsibilities will be discussed later such as the need to provide developmental feedback, work with others and commitment to continuous professional development and maintain subject competence. You might also be expected to be registered with professional and trade bodies.

You will also need to respect boundaries with other professionals and your learners. You should not provide support or advice beyond your role as a teacher. You should also avoid crossing professional lines and being too friendly with your learners.

As trainees and as teachers, you are not working in a vacuum. Instead you are working within a complex community of common interest, tied together by commitment and mutual agreement, as well as rules, regulations and procedures.

Your personal commitments are to your students, your institution and to the subject or area that you teach. But these commitments bind you into a web of requirements and duties. As well as teaching responsibilities, you are in some way guardians of safety, the emotional and professional needs of your students, human rights, freedom of speech, and the interests of your teaching institution.

These responsibilities and duties should not be cause for fear or panic. Instead they are of much for comfort. These are some of the bonds that bring the teaching community together as a profession. They are the bonds that link you to other communities nationally and internationally.

• Make Initial contact of being allocated to a candidate

• Arrange a face to face induction meeting with the candidate as soon as possible after initial contact (ensure that head teacher and class teacher is advised and you are punctual). Please be aware of schools security arrangements and protocols and respect these.

• Remain in contact with candidate on a regular basis following the initial induction meeting (fortnightly)

• Provide assessor/mentor support to enable the candidate to plan, prepare for assessment and agree assessment activities, dates etc.

• Mentor and action plan with the candidate to identify areas of development required by the candidate in order to achieve the award effectively and efficiently

• Liaise with other course personnel and school mentors/head teachers to support the development needs of the candidate. Ensure that assessment procedures are clearly explained to those supporting the candidate.

• Carry out assessment in the workplace and used observed candidate performance in line with the awarding body criteria and agreed centre procedure to provide candidate evidence. Be mindful of confidentiality and respect the routines of the school/class teachers/pupils and minimise disruption.

• Support the candidate to compile their portfolio evidencing the main methods of assessment for these qualifications (observation)

• Keep full records of candidate meeting, action planning, assessment activity and feedback. Ensure records are dated and signed by the assessor and candidate

• Ensure the records and portfolios are available to the specialist and co-ordinating verifier on request

• Maintain regular contact with internal verifier; attend internal verification and standardisation meetings as required.

• Ensure that centre policies are followed with particular regard to Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities.