All your evidence is subject to quality assurance. This will involve checks to determine all your evidence is fit for purpose and clearly demonstrates your competency. Your evidence has to be authentic (proof it is your work), sufficient (meets all learning outcomes and assessment criteria, presentable at the expected level of the course), reliable (consistent over a period of time), valid (reflects accurately what is being measured) and current (up to date).
You, therefore, need to ensure your evidence meets the above principles when completing your coursework. Please do not waffle or use long introductions. Get to the point and start addressing the assessment brief as soon as possible. Remember we are after quality, not quantity.
Quality of Evidence
Where you are expected to provide supporting evidence of practice please make sure all principles of assessment have been met. The evidence should be authentic, sufficient, reliable, valid and current. The screenshot should clearly demonstrate how you have met all principles. For example, when submitting evidence of an email, it should be clear this is an email. There has to be proof the email was indeed sent or received. We will not accept evidence of emails that have been copied and pasted on word, text, pdf documents or any other format. Please see the example below of an email sent by one of our assessors which highlights the name of the author and the date sent.
We will also not accept evidence of records that do not clearly demonstrate their original format. For example, if you want to provide evidence of recording on a database, an actual screenshot of the recording has to be provided as demonstrated below. You can clearly see the name of the author, the date of the recording and the message.
Quality of References (Sources)
You will need to provide references whenever you use other people’s work. We generally expect references when you discuss theories principles and legislation. Definitions will require references from reputable sources. Please stay away from Wikipedia and dictionary references. References from sources such as the Department of Health, universities and the United Nations will be fantastic.
Demonstrate Practice
Where you are required to demonstrate practice you need to identify dates and times. It should be easy to verify your evidence.
Confidentiality and Regulations
You should ensure you maintain confidentiality at all times. Please do not include personal details of your clients as part of your evidence. You should also not include sensitive business information. Please ensure you work fully in line with internal and external requirements. Your evidence should demonstrate your compliance.
Presentation of your work
Your course comes with standardised coursework templates or worksheets. These will allow you to input your name and date. All your evidence will need to be signed and dated. You will also need to sign and date all assessment plans, reviews and feedback reports before submitting your portfolio for quality assurance.
Typed in signatures are not acceptable. All electronic signatures will need to be hand-written. We advise you to produce an electronic signature by signing on a white background, scan and forward it as an image or pdf.
Your signature should be on a white background as highlighted below:
All signatures not on a white background will be rejected. If no suitable electronic signature has been provided, you will be expected to download, sign, date, resubmit all your evidence including, assessment plans, reviews and feedback reports before quality assurance.
Further guidance regarding the presentation of your evidence is provided next.