Course Evaluation Course Evaluation Please assist us to improve our services by letting us know your opinion by rating your experience. Thank you for taking your time to complete the form. Name First Last Email* Enrolled Course:*Date:* DD slash MM slash YYYY Your experience and your coursePlease read carefully the questions below and rate according to your experience. Please answer all questions and add in your own comments for questions 8 to 10. 1] Did you find the course informative?*12345Please rate out of 5.2] Was all the material covered relevant?*12345Please rate out of 5.3] Did the course fulfill your learning objectives?*12345Please rate out of 5.4] Did the content of the course reflect what was advertised?*12345Please rate out of 5.5] Was the length of the course adequate?*12345Please rate out of 5.6] Would you recommend this training to others?*12345Please rate out of 5.7] Will you do any part of your job differently as a result of this training?*12345Please rate out of 5.8] What will you do differently?*9] What was the most useful part of the course?*10] What was the least useful part of the course?*Signature*Please provide a digital signatureCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.