We have compiled a guide for you to assist you with achieving your qualification. We expect you to develop these ideas, evaluate and provide examples to fully demonstrate the depth of your knowledge and understanding.
Question 1
You need to discuss the functions of internal quality assurance such as ensuring standards are met and assessments are fair. The function also reassures employers and the public that the candidate is competent. This improves accountability and integrity. This also has the potential to identify development needs.
Question 2
When thinking about key concepts consider aspects such as standardisation, continuous professional development, sampling, and timing of quality assurance activities (observing assessors, monitoring different stages of the assessment process).
Question 3
You need to identify a number of roles, which includes assessors, internal and external quality assurer’s. You then discuss all responsibilities associated with each role. For example, the assessor’s role is to ensure they assess fairly against set standards and support their learners.
Question 4
You need to start by identifying policies and procedures key to quality assurance such as reasonable adjustment, ensuring occupational competency, CPD, equal opportunities, safeguarding learners, and standardisation. Then evaluate the requirements for information management (recording, standardised procedures, and documents, sharing of feedback with assessors, involvement of learners, security,). Make reference to GDPR and confidentiality.
Your discussion should also address evaluate the impact of discrimination, disability, employment regulations, and poverty when evaluating equality. Consider how this might be addressed by being flexible, providing alternative approaches, and promoting an inclusive environment. Make links to the Equality Act 2010, and other key regulations and legislation such as the Health and Safety at work Act 1974, Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This task is not about demonstrating you are aware of the legislation. You need to demonstrate how they apply to your role as an Internal Quality Assurer. It will be good if you can also make reference to awarding bodies, Covid-19, Information Commissioner, Ofsted, Ofqual, and Skills Funding Agency.
Question 5
You need to discuss the importance of planning and preparation. This enables you to time quality assurance activities effectively. This enables you to involve others such as assessors and learners. This also will be a guide for everyone involved. As part of your evaluation discuss the consequences of poor planning and preparation such as not picking problems early, missed opportunities of identifying development opportunities, and risks of sanctions.
Question 6
This depends on and every organisation. Basic information such as names of assessors, units, dates, qualifications, names of learners policies, procedures, plans for standardisation, evaluation, and sampling strategies.
Question 7
This will involve collecting information such as standards, previous quality assurance reports, requirements from regulators, or any guidance. Communications could include being in contact with your admin regarding the registration of learners. The communications could also include other team members, employers, or students. Administrative arrangements could include venues, arranging meetings, and CPD opportunities. Resources could include getting access to assessment records, plans, learners’ coursework, sampling, access to learner management systems, and other course resources.
Question 8
Here you can discuss different ways to sample which can be onsite or remote. Make reference to paper-based portfolios ad portfolios here. Discuss the advantages and distances of sampling these as part of your evaluation. Also discuss your sampling methods which include observation of assessors, interviewing learners, assessment methods, units, learning outcomes, and sample size.
Question 9
The most important criteria is to ensure that decisions are made in line with the assessment criteria and learning outcomes. You can also consider discussing the importance of ensuring the right assessment method, working in line with the course specification, professional standards, and awarding body requirements. You can also refer to student satisfaction, positive feedback, progression, and meeting performance indicators.
Question 10
Feedback can be given both verbally (informal) and written (formal). It can be given as a group or on a one-to-one basis. The feedback has to be developmental and can be about their career development, principles of assessment, and advice regarding regulatory and company procedures. You can also utilise other colleagues or mentors to provide feedback.
Question 11
You need to refer to your own policies, awarding body, and regulatory requirements when it comes to the need to carry out standardisation. To ensure everyone is working at the same standard. This also reduces bias and unfairness within the assessment process. Standardisation helps with maintaining the principles of assessment ( current, reliable, sufficient, and valid).
Question 12
It is important you make it clear that your complaints, appeals are shared with learners, assessors, and all staff in line with awarding body ad Ofqual requirements. You need to discuss each stage of your dispute procedures, which a learner has to follow until the matter has to be referred to the awarding body.
Question 13
You need to discuss and evaluate the different ways technology can be used as part of internal quality assurance. This can include learning management systems that will allow you to access information from anywhere regardless of geographical location. Technology records events accurately (authentic) such as dates when feedback was provided to learners. This makes it easy to audit. Technology is also good at recording and storing information that is vital for quality assurance. Technology also allows for the forms of evidence to be used such as audio and video recordings. Technology is also cost and time effective.
Question 14
Reflection can be used to consider feedback from colleagues, learners, external quality assurers, and others which might help with improving practice. Reflection can be triggered by other activities such as self-assessment and SWOT analysis and helps to identify gaps in knowledge and skills. CPD he’s with ensuring you are working in line with current standards. It allows you to catch up with new evidence-based practice and emerging technology. Participation in CPD is also a requirement from awarding bodies, Ofqual, Ofsted, Funding bodies, and other regulators. It enhances practice and professionalism.