Please make sure you answer all parts of the question. At every opportunity, give examples. Make links to your own company policies, theories, legislation and any regulatory requirements. This is what makes your work level 3 or above! Make sure you reference your work. Harvard referencing is encouraged but not compulsory.
Responsibilities refer to enforcement of organisation policies and procedures, preparation and management of learning, assessment and record keeping, working with others, to communicate effectively
Remember your main role and responsibility is to identify and meet the needs of your learners. How do you go about doing this? You are also expected to be inclusive. You therefore need to discuss about equality and how your practice promotes inclusion. You also need to highlight the possible expectations which learners have of you? For example learners expect you to be knowledgeable and inspire them. How do you make this possible and what will be the consequences of you falling short of their expectations? Also apply the same concept to others such as your employer, funding bodies and anyone who has an interest in your learners work. Your employer will expect you to abide by every policy they have. They will expect you to be a good role model for the company and work in line with their mission statement. You could possibly expand this a bit further. Think of a teacher who continuously bad mouths their company in front of students. This could have consequences where-by the learners lose respect of the teacher and company. You could also discuss about the expectation of Professional bodies and regulators regarding your role as a teacher?
b] Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs? It is important to identify needs as this can enable you to recognise prior learning and achievements, appropriate support, guidance to meet qualification requirements, access to learning, address knowledge or skills gap, promote student involvement and ownership of targets.
c] You need to describe how you might promote good behavior and respect. Remember your learners need to feel safe and be in a conducive learning environment. You could promote this by setting ground rules with your learners. For example, asking your learners to respect the opinion of others. You will need to highlight what could happen if the ground rules are broken? Which disciplinary procedures are available? Another way you could promote good behavior is for you to be a good role model. You are expected as a teacher to model good behavior! How could a learner respect what you are saying for example regarding equality while you appear to be sexist or racist?
Your interpersonal skills also play a vital role to crate a supportive learning environment. It might be difficult for learners to benefit from your teaching if you are not approachable? Remember one of your main role is to inspire your learners and enhance their learning experience.
When discussing about safe environment,you could consider ensuing that learners are not exposed to dangerous equipment. For example electronic goods that are not Pat tested? You could also make sure there are no hazards on the floors that could trip your learners. You might also consider some of your initiatives to ensure there are comfort breaks between session?
d] When discussing about points of referrals you need to identify the opportunities that are available to you. You could discuss about the structures within your orgnisation. This could be that there is a requirement for each learner to have a diagnostic or initial assessment. This alone could be an opportunity to find out needs. You might have a dedicated staff member who completes your role as a teacher such as teaching assistants,pastoral staff or dedicated staff to help learners with functional skills? You might also have a policy or procedures regarding referrals to other professionals where-by you can sign post? You might also have access to other professionals especially if you work within a multi-disciplinary team? Remember the question requires you to analyse,you therefore need to fully review these opportunities indicating how they work?
b] Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals.You will need to explain and give examples of how as a teacher you might work with others. This could be when working as teams, sharing assessment outcomes, communicating learner needs, negotiating support for learners, contributing to internal quality assurance and liaising with referral agencies.
c] Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles? You can refer to team roles and responsibilities, management structures and lines of communication. It is important for you not to overstep your boundary and instead signpost to appropriate professionals?
It is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment as it value’s diversity, challenges antisocial behaviours, encourages peer support and promotes learner responsibility
b] Highlight a number of teaching approaches such as presentation, video, demonstration, individual and group activities. Also highlight learning approaches such as learner-centered, experimentation and independent research. You then discuss strengths and limitations.
c] Here you do not need to show how you teach each of the areas highlighted. You just need to show how you encourage your learners to exercise the skills highlighted. For example, you might give your learners information regarding the number of people who are unemployed at a particular time as part of embedding mathematics. You could ask your learners to read a handout as part of embedding English. You could also ask your learners to access the Internet as part of embedding ICT. As part of embedding wider skills this might include teaching about manners or life skills to make your learners better members of the community.
d] It is important, as this will ensure that the methods are appropriate to learner’s knowledge, skills requirements and meeting assessment requirements. This will also be suited to group size and diversity, actively engaging learners, encouraging and stimulating the learning process,recognise and respond to individual learning needs.
a] This is important as it makes the assessment process meaningful,encourages active participation and ownership. Prior learning can also be identified which in turns leads to motivation.
b] It is good to provide information about the assessment process, time scales, rights and responsibilities, assessment criteria and appeals procedure.
c] You will need to give examples of the records you keep. For example, feedback forms and progress reports. Explain why you keep them? This could be because it is your company policy to do so. You could also be required by the awarding body, funding bodies or regulators to do so? This could also be necessary for future reference, course or team reporting, performance indicators, verification and quality assurance, organisation reporting. This could also be necessary when it comes to evaluation of the course. Remember to summarise the requirements (policies and procedures) of your organisation when it comes to keeping records of assessment?
d] You can consider how feedback helps to engage learners, which in turn leads to motivation. an inclusive includes creating an inclusive learning environment and promoting your learners to be actively involved. You could also try to make your sessions interesting by using a number of resources and activities that appeal to various learning styles. Other methods include setting realistic targets and provide positive feedback. Ways to give constructive feedback includes written or verbal, one to one, as a group, self and peer assessment and using the sandwich technique (praise, criticism, and praise). Key Features can include the need for feedback to be developmental, relevant, immediate, factual, helpful, confidential, respectful, tailored, clear and specific to assessment requirements.
b] Characteristics include methods such as sharing goals with learners and feedback. Different methods of assessment can include observation, professional discussions, witness testimonies, work products, tests etc.?
c] Highlight your five methods you identified above and discuss strengths (appropriate to subject, student, friendly, developmental, leading to feedback, validity, fairness) and limitations (student anxiety, snapshot performance, difficult to administer, unreliable, inconsistent) when it comes to meeting needs?
d] This can include differentiation of activities such as presenting in a different format? Translating resources, recorded discussions, providing extra time, digital recording, use of a scribe or reader and adapted for ICT or e- assessment.
e] Discuss what is peer and self-assessment giving examples. Explain the advantages? This could be, it empowers the learners and encourages independent learning, peer teaching, taking ownership and own responsibility of their own work. For example when a learner self assesses himself or herself, they have an idea of their own progress. Peer could also be a good informal way of learners supporting each other and sharing ideas. This might develop assessment skills and help learners to recognise own strengths and needs, setting and owning goals. Awarding bodies and sector bodies appear to be encouraging this form of assessment. The disadvantages could be that learners could be too brutal or lenient when self-assessing? They might also not have the skills to self assess? Lazy teachers can also abuse peer assessing. It is not always appropriate especially if you need to maintain learner confidentiality?