We are committed to supporting you and meeting your needs. Please utilise all the support opportunities we have in place. Where you require a tutorial or one to one support we require you to book an appointment. This will ensure your assessor reserves some dedicated time for you. Tutorials are an opportunity to answer your questions, plan assessments among many other activities. discuss and meet your needs. All appointments and tutorials are recorded and subject to monitoring as part of quality assurance.

Requests for appointments via Exchange, email or telephone will not be honoured. You can also not book appointments via our centre support team as they do not manage the diary of assessors. Appointments can only be booked using the Appointments module on this website by following the 7 steps below:

How to book your appointment

1] Click on the ‘Appointments’ module on Etutor. This is the third link found on the menu.
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2] Select the category of the appointment you need. You can choose from ‘Tutorials’, ‘Induction’ or ‘Assessment’. Once you have chosen the category you then select the service.
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3] Once you have selected the service you have the option of selecting your tutor. Click on their name to see their availability.
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4] Please select a date and time you want an appointment.
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5] Your personal details such as name and email address are then displayed. You need to enter a telephone number. You also have the option of adding a personal note. For example, regarding the areas you want to discuss about during the tutorial.
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6] A summary s then displayed regarding your appointment. You need to ensure you click the link on the bottom right corner which says “Book Appointment”.
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7] You then get a confirmation that the booking has been successful. Here you have the option of adding the appointment to your calendar.
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How do l access my Zoom appointment Details?

You can access your meeting details under Exchange. They will be published under a discussion title “Support Session” as highlighted below:

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The meeting details will be as follows:

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