Your Progress
It is important to ensure that your quality assurance team is occupationally competent to quality assure qualifications. Awarding bodies will also be keen to ensure this is the case and you remain meeting the conditions of your registration as a Centre.
You are responsible for keeping your occupational knowledge up-to-date and should be committed to Continuous Professional Development (CPD). As a quality assurer, you have to demonstrate occupational competence which will enable you to determine whether a candidate’s evidence has met the specified standards of a particular qualification. Remember gone are the days when having academy qualifications such as undergraduate and postgraduate degrees was enough to oversee any vocational qualification. You need to have occupational competency in the specialist area you moderate. Having a PHD in physics does not give you the competency to moderate a health and social care course unless you can demonstrate experience in the area.
An up-to-date understanding of the vocational system (QCF and RCF), including current best practice in assessment and internal quality assurance, and relevant guidance is required along with the understanding of national occupational standards to support and advise your staff. You are expected to assist your staff in interpreting standards correctly.
You are expected to assist your staff in interpreting standards correctly and to have a thorough understanding of the awarding body systems and documentation. This includes the registration of candidates, time scales and claims for certificates.